Posted on 11/1/2023

Photo by Giorgio Trovato On Unsplash The Trophy Shelf: Sharing Gratitude For Our Awards! Pop the trunk, and let's dive into the heart of what makes Convoy Auto Repair a beloved go-to destination for all things automotive. With the cool ocean breeze, the endless sun, and the unmistakable vibe of San Diego, the car culture here is undeniably vibrant. Just as our beautiful city is home to diverse communities, Convoy Auto Repair is a jewel that shines brightly in the automotive realm. And guess what? We've got a trophy shelf to prove it! Today, we're going to take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of our recognition corner – and trust us, it’s more than just polished metal and engraved plaques. It’s a testament to our dedication, hard work, and the trust you've placed in our ASE-certified hands over the last 40 years. The Backbone of Conv ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017

We were reminded of this adage due to the particularly wet winter we had. But the dryness of Summer is still far off. So, with some wet weather still to go, we thought we would share some simple tips that will help keep you safer in the wet weather. Rain changes things about driving, and habits that you might have may need to be adjusted. Slow down and increase the distance between yourself and the next car. You have a poorer stopping distance on wet surfaces. Turn on your lights, even during the day. Other cars notice you more quickly with your lights on. When turning, brake before you enter the turn, not during the turn, then accelerate out of the turn. Avoid driving in the ruts that naturally form within lanes by driving just slightly off center from the lane. Water pools in these ruts and you can hydroplane in a deep patch. Take extra care to avoid water where you can't see the bottom. That puddle might be hiding a deep pothole. If they need it, make sure you've replaced ... read more
Posted on 1/2/2017
2017 is here! It is time to start getting together our list of New Year resolutions, and the team at Convoy Auto Repair thinks it is important not to forget about your vehicle. In case you are struggling to think of some resolutions related to auto repair, we have compiled a list of 7 New Year Resolutions: Make sure your vehicle is running in optimal condition. Let’s kick the New Year off with a multi-point inspection at our auto repair shop. We will inspect your vehicle from bumper to bumper to ensure everything is in tip-top shape. Try to be a fuel-efficient driver. We all know gas is expensive, so let’s try to cut back on some of our bad habits, such as excessive speeding or aggressive. If you do this, you can cut down your fuel consumption by an incredible 35%. Put an end to the idling habit. We all do it, and like the saying goes: out with the old and in with the new! Let’s get rid of this habit. Idling for more than 10 minutes produces an excessive a ... read more
Posted on 11/9/2016
The holidays usually means that you and your family will be hitting the road more frequently. Between the drives around town to purchase holiday items and attend holiday parties, to driving longer distances to visit loved ones, your vehicle is likely to have an uptick in mileage demands. Therefore, the big question is: Is your vehicle ready for the holidays? Here are the top five things your vehicle requires to be ready for the holiday season: Tires that have a safe amount of tread, are properly aligned and are inflated to the ideal amount for better fuel economy. If your tires are flat, bald, worn unevenly, or show signs of bulging, you may need new tires. Wiper blades that keep your windshield clean and are in good shape. Most windshield wipers are meant to last for one year. If you see cracking, strips, or bits of rubber missing from your wiper blades, it’s time to replace them. Fluids are what makes your car operate smoothly. Without the prop ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2011

Convoy Auto Repair, in partnership with the San Diego NAPA Business Development Group (BDG) and Homefront San Diego, worked together to donate a refurbished Ford Explorer to a military family in need last week. Homefront San Diego is made up entirely of volunteers, and offers assistance in emergency situations for military families who may need a little help in meeting thier needs. One of the biggest challenges military families face is unexpected expenses from vehicle breakdowns. “Roughly 42.4% of all of our expenditures are used to repair unexpected auto breakdowns,” said Mary Ann Tanner, a volunteer for Homefront. “Having local auto repair shops on our side to get costly repairs taken care of will make a huge impact on our families.” Other contributors to this donation were NAPA Auto Parts, and Carrera Auto ... read more