Posted on 10/1/2023

Photo by Thiabault Valjevac On Unsplash Why Windshield Cracks Are So Dangerous: Insights from Convoy Auto Repair in San Diego, California Picture this: you’re driving down the road, minding your business when a rock flies up and cracks your windshield. At the moment, it feels terrifying–but drivers may often pull over, take a look, and then get back on with their day. While it might appear minor at first glance, a cracked windshield poses significant dangers that extend far beyond aesthetics. In this blog, we'll delve into the hidden risks associated with windshield cracks and shed light on how Convoy Auto Repair in San Diego can help promote your safety on the road. Compromised Structural Integrity: The Foundation of Safety A car's windshield isn't just a piece of glass; it's a crucial component of your vehicle's structural integrity. M ... read more