For any vehicle owner, the distinction between auto maintenance and auto repair is critical to ensuring a long and healthy life for their preferred method of transportation. Both are essential in the smooth operation of a vehicle, but the terms are often confused for one another, which can lead some owners to pay more than they should over time.

Auto maintenance is a broad term that covers regular and preventative actions taken to help keep a car that is running properly stay running. This maintenance can include things such as oil changes, transmission flushes, as well as annual inspections and tire rotations. All of these services help to keep a car that is running smoothly stay that way, and help prevent the need for auto repair.
Auto repair is what is necessary when a vehicle has a failure of some kind - be it a broken fan belt, failed spark plugs, steering issues or braking problems. In these cases, it is necessary to repair or replace damaged parts in order to make a vehicle road-worthy once again.
By ensuring regular auto maintenance is performed on a vehicle, an owner can lower their need for auto repairs.
Image: Car Deal Expert