One sure incident to spoil a summer trip is a car that overheats. To make certain this doesn't happen to you, taking the proper preventive care can ensure safe travels for you and your vehicle. Here are some precautionary tips and advice to prevent overheating and deal with it.

An important aspect to check on your car is to make sure the fluids are at the right levels. For example, coolant is a large component to keeping the engine at a stable temperature. Maintaining a leak-free car and the right fluid levels will help in preventing a breakdown caused by overheating.
Another tip to not overwork your car is to only use the air conditioning system when necessary. Instead of leaving the cooler on full-blast, turn the temperature down once the inside of the car reaches a comfortable level. Doing this will put less stress on the engine.
If you do find yourself in the situation of a car breakdown, there are ways to calmly handle the situation.
When you see the temperature needle climbing, it is the first sign that your car is overheating. In this situation, your initial response should be to turn the heater on high. Bringing heat into the car will pull heat from the engine. Next, pull over to a safe location and turn off the engine. After the smoke has subsided, lift the hood on the car and check the fluid levels. The best advice at this point is to call for roadside assistance.
While a car that overheats can put a damper on a summer getaway, following these maintenance tips can reduce those chances. It is also best to stay prepared by storing coolant, a tool kit, a flashlight, and water in your car.