Car Care Awareness Month is upon us again! October is a great time to think back about all the basic car maintenance you may have been neglecting for the rest of the year. From the roof to the tires, there are little things here and there to keep your car rolling strong until the next car care month! Plus, October in San Diego is the perfect sweet spot for maintenance due to our weather: we don't usually get the first rains quite yet but our minds are thinking of fall and preparing for the colder months, so we have time to get things taken care of now. But what, exactly, do you take care of in October? 
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Fluid check!
October is the perfect time to look at all the fluids and top them off. For any readers who live in a colder climate, it’s important to make sure your antifreeze is topped off and not too high in water. Also take a look at your wiper fluid, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid levels and make sure everything is full and clean. Wiper fluid is especially important in San Diego because the first light rain is often not enough to clean dirt and grime from your windshield, and being out of wiper fluid can be dangerous.
Exterior Check
Check the condition of your tires and wiper blades. When the weather gets wetter, it’s important to make sure your tires have enough tread on them to safely maintain friction on wet roads. Tire tread should be kept above 4/32 of an inch to provide safe braking distances in rainy conditions. After sitting in the summer sun, your wiper blades may be too brittle to safely clear your windshield. It’s always safer to replace them before the first storm so you aren’t caught unprepared.
Filter Inspection/Replacement
Many cars have several filters to keep fluids free of contaminates and the ride pleasant. Car care month is a great time to inspect or replace any filters that aren’t specified in a regular maintenance schedule. Over the summer--especially in southern California--the air filter and cabin air filters may become clogged with sand, dust, and other airborne debris. A clogged air filter can reduce the performance and fuel economy of your vehicle, while a clogged cabin air filter can make the inside of your car smell a little funky, musty, or otherwise dirty.
Visual Inspection
This is also a great time to just poke around your car. Make sure there aren’t any objects stuck in your grille or on the undercarriage, and inspect the underside of your car for any damage or leaks that could spell trouble down the line. While many people like to do this kind of preventative maintenance themselves, there are still more people who would rather someone else take a look. And that’s what we’re here for! We’re happy to give your ride a once over before the winter months to keep you safe and your car on the road! Car Care Awareness Month is the perfect time to take advantage of our special events and offers. On October 25th, Convoy Auto Repair will be at the FREE Car Care Fair at Qualcomm Stadium, providing free car inspections to the first 600 visitors. We're also providing new and existing customers with monthly car repair specials and coupons - good through the rest of the year! October is a busy month for us here at Convoy Auto Repair. In addition to all of the car care awareness and special events, we're also taking part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Convoy Auto Repair is an official retailer for Autotex PINK windshield wiper blades (in both pink and black colors), and we're also providing free installation on each set. Each purchase includes a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Stop by today for your PINK wiper blades!