Posted on 4/24/2012

High gas prices in San Diego have hit most of our budgets. You've probably budgeted a certain amount for vehicle related stuff. Increased fuel costs are now consuming a bigger portion of that budget and you may be tempted to skimp in some other areas - like scheduled maintenance. According to news reports and industry studies, you're not alone. Nine out of ten personal vehicles on the road have at least one maintenance or repair item that hasn't been done. Some of these items are serious safety concerns. Others are just more likely to affect the cost of operating your vehicle. In this area, we can take a lesson from professional vehicle owners. I'm talking about fleet owners and operators. You know, San Diego folks like the trucking companies and delivery services. Because their livelihood depends on it, they have gotten scheduled maintenance down to a science. And the last thing they skimp on is regular maintenance. W ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2012

Today's Convoy Auto Repair post focuses on using the proper fluids for your vehicle. Big advances in automotive technology have lead to the development of high-tech fluids to keep pace. Some because of engineering advances and others, advances in the materials used to build sedan automotive systems. A simple example of this is the cooling system. For decades it was primarily made out of iron, steel and rubber hoses. There was one kind of coolant that protected these components from corrosion. Now cooling system components are made with various metal alloys and plastics. These materials require different additives to protect them from corrosion. Since the materials used vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, we now have a number of different kinds of coolant. And it's important that car owners use the right coolant. If you pour in the wrong kind, it won't protect the cooling system and may even void th ... read more
Posted on 4/13/2012
In our auto video today we'll be talking with Alan Peterson about myths surrounding automotive maintenance. You can lump these myths into the statement that "modern cars are so reliable, they are virtually maintenance free". Any good myth has some elements of truth. No offense to San Diego Bigfoot fans, but this maintenance-free myth has more evidence than most. If we look at some isolated areas of auto maintenance, we could conclude that maintenance isn't so important. But other areas would just as easily lead you to believe that maintenance is more important than ever. Here are some examples for our friends in San Diego. -Chalk one up for the myth. On the other side, some vehicles come with sophisticated variable valve timing. A lot of complicated parts up in the valve train that didn't even exist not that many years ago. These parts are very vulnerable to oil sludge. -A point to maintenance. -Myth gets a point. -Point for maintenance. I think you get the pictur ... read more
Posted on 4/12/2012

When your vehicle is in desperate need of a spruce-up, it may be difficult to narrow down the options of the best places to give your car the attention it deserves. Therefore, we have taken on that task for you. Here are our top three recommendations to get your car detailed in Kearny Mesa, San Diego. Our first suggestion is Miranda's Auto Detail. Jesus Miranda has over 15 years of experience detailing vehicles. He is a skilled professional and pays attention to every element of your car. Miranda's Auto Detail is located at 3885 Convoy Street across from Convoy Auto Repair or you can contact them at 619-865-1150. This is a great place to have an expert bring your vehicle back to its full potential. The second recommendation we have is Lee's Auto Detailing. This is considered one of the best mobile auto detailers in San Diego. Areas of client services include Clairemont, Mission Valley ... read more
Posted on 4/4/2012

When it comes to their vehicles, some San Diego people don't have a maintenance mindset. They know they need to take care of their cars, but it just seems really hard to get them to remember to do it. San Diego drivers generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance, but just may have not applied it to their sedans. For example: the lawn. You water it and mow it every week. And weed the flower beds and rake the leaves. There are other things that San Diego people are good about maintaining. Going to the dentist twice a year. Clothes to the dry cleaner. Flu shots. Taking the kids to your San Diego doctor for a checkup before school starts. So San Diego people really are maintenance minded. They just have to learn to apply that mindset to cars. I mean, if you never brush your teeth or go to the dentist, you'll become painfully aware of your neglect when you get a big cavity. Once the damage is done ... read more